Rejuvenate Your Body
the Natural Way. Modern technology to heal you entirely


bio collagen
  • Increases muscle size, strength & endurance
  • Improves lipid & sugar profiles
    - Increases HDL cholesterol level
    - Reduces TG, LDL, VLDL & total cholesterol levels
    - Reduces HbA1c & glucose levels
  • Anti-coagulant
    - Reduces plasma coagulation factors (PAI-1 & FVII)
    - Reduces vWF
    - Increases anti-coagulation factors (AT-III)
  • Improves skin conditions
    - Improves skin elasticity & texture
    - Reduces wrinkles, pigmentation & age spots
    - Moisturises & lightens skin
  • Improves eye health
    - Improves visual acuity & choroidal blood flow
    - Improves asthenopia symptoms
  • Improves vascular tone
    - Reduces blood pressure
    - Improves Improves blood flow
  • Anti-inflammatory
    - Reduces inflammatory markers
    (hsCRP, IL-6 & TNF-a)
  • Anti-obesity
    - Increases adiponectin level
    - Reduces visceral fat